The menu drawer gives you a nifty way to showcase a sticky sidebar across your theme.
To add a Contact form, Newsletter, or an Announcement to your menu: navigate to your menu drawer: click 'Add block' and select any of the above.
The logo for your menu drawer can be set at the top of your menu drawer settings
Menu drawer settings
Block Settings
How to add your logo to the sidebar menu -
Within your menu drawer navigate to 'Logos' settings > Change
Use a high quality logo that fits well. It's often best to crop the white space in the logo file before uploading as the theme will automatically include white space around the logo.
How to add featured images/videos to the sidebar menu -
Cards/Blocks can be used to showcase featured images within the desktop drawer menu. This is handy for drawing attention to top products or collections that you would like to highlight.
Open the theme editor.
Select Menu drawer from the theme sections.
Click Add Card and select Image/video
Click into the newly created block.
Click Save.