Paper: Installing and using review apps

Learn how to add install and use review apps

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Many Shopify review apps store product review data in metafields. However, these apps often use non-standard metafield names, which can prevent default theme review displays from functioning correctly.

The Paper Shopify theme uses standard product metafields to display review data:

If your chosen review app uses different metafield names, you'll need to customize your theme. These customizations ensure that reviews display properly:

  • As badges or text on product cards

  • As badges or text on product pages

This guide will walk you through the process of updating your theme to use your review app's specific metafields, ensuring consistent display of review data across your Shopify store.

How to

  1. Duplicate your Shopify theme:

    1. Go to your Shopify admin > Online Store > Themes

    2. Find your current theme and click "Actions" > "Duplicate"

    3. This creates a safe copy to work on without affecting your live site

  2. Identify your review app's metafields:

    1. Find the metafields used by your specific review app

    2. For example, Loox uses:

      • product.metafields.loox.avg_rating

      • product.metafields.loox.num_reviews

  3. Locate and edit the following theme files:

    • product__rating.liquid (rating block on the product page)

    • product__gallery-slider.liquid (product slider gallery)

    • product__gallery-grid.liquid (product grid gallery)

    • product__gallery-thumbnail-slider.liquid (thumbnail slider)

    • component__product-item.liquid (default product card)

    • component__product-featured-item.liquid (featured product card)

  4. In each file, replace the default metafields:

    • Find instances of:



    • Replace them with your app's corresponding metafields

  5. Save your changes after editing each file

  6. Test your changes:

    • Preview the duplicated theme

    • Verify that reviews display correctly:

      • On product cards (as badges or text)

      • On product pages (as badges or text)

  7. Once satisfied with all changes:

    • Publish the edited duplicate theme to make it live

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